ARTIFICATION PT. 11. 2017-2019

"Historical memory". Mixed media. 100*100 cm. 2017-2019
Artist | Gregory Lysak
Art expert | Anna Piotrovskaya
Photographer | Dmitry Stelmah
The seascape symbolically represents the force of nature, relentless to the flow of time, that washes out a moment in history without leaving any trace of anything that ever existed in the historical memory.

This is the artification of fragments of newspapers in marine painting. The seascape comprises of fragmented newspaper textures and splashes of color. The painting becomes completely tangible like an architectural or sculptural object.

"Historical memory" pushes the boundaries of the trivial understanding of a seascape as merely a painting genre. The series of works allows the viewer to plunge into a subjectless waterscape. The outlines are the only key to deciphering the image. These are not conventional marine paintings. The artworks of Turner recede into the background, giving way to a completely new take on an old idea.