Member of the union of artists| Member of the National Union of Architects, Ukraine | Member of the Union Internationale des Architectes, France
Academy of Arts. I.E. Repin Faculty: Architecture Pedagogical University. A.I. Herzen Faculty: Arts POSTGRADUATE STUDIES ACADEMY OF ARTS DISCIPLINE: ARCHITECTURE
Exhibitions: Union of Artists| Erarta | SMOMA | State Museum of Sculpture | KMDA, Kyiv | Art Taipei, Taiwan | ARTBASEL | THE HOLY ART LONDON | ACADEMY OF ART |
"Diversity of forms, combination of sculpture, architecture and painting... The works of Gregory Lysak are synthetic art pieces that unfold before the viewer's eye. The meaning of each piece lies not only in the name, but also within the pictures and installations themselves, in the materials they are made of, in the artistic form. Each artwork represents contemplation, creation, and at the same time a silent debate with reality. "
Anna piotrovskaya Member of Association for the history of art (AAH)