project of a monument to the poet N.S.Gumilyov

open architectural competition for the draft design of a monument to the poet N.S. Gumilyov
Artistic solution. The main task of the plastic solution of the composition includes a three-stage semantic load.
1. Selection of the place for installing the monument. Where the streets and the alley diverge like rays, and where the monument serves as an accent-dominant, connecting the square into a single ensemble and echoing and emphasizing the significance of the personality of the great poet of Russia.

2. Pedestal. Three-part, symbolizes an indestructible wall, a powerful foundation, where even on the "chips" of historical events, the image of the unbroken great poet-aristocrat, a warrior of Russian culture, thought and word rises. Three parts, like three stages of his life's path, destiny. Three powerful facets of his personality as a poet-philosopher, officer, traveler-explorer.

3. The main and fundamental task in working on the image is to show the character, to feel its state, energy. Hence the lively emotional manner of sculpting, sharp decisive lines echo his character and dashing fate. His plasticity is free, majestic, courageous and aristocratic. Where every impulsive movement of the hand (soul) is inextricably subordinated to a single form and creates it.

Anna Piotrovskaya



Nikolay Stepanovich Gumilyov (April 3 [15], 1886, Kronstadt – August 26, 1921, Petrograd) – Russian poet of the Silver Age, founder of the Acmeist school, prose writer, playwright, translator and literary critic, traveler, Africanist. First husband of poetess Anna Akhmatova, father of historian Lev Gumilyov. He made two expeditions to eastern and northeastern Africa in 1909 and 1913. He was executed on August 26, 1921, on charges of participating in the anti-Soviet conspiracy of the "Tagantsev Petrograd Combat Organization". However, active participation in the conspiracy was not confirmed and on September 30, 1991, he was posthumously rehabilitated by a decision of the Supreme Court of the USSR. The place of execution and burial is still unknown.

master plan

schemetic design